
Supporting Sustainable Community-oriented Policing in Georgia

Project: Supporting Sustainable Community-oriented Policing in Georgia

Implementing organization: Georgian Center for Strategy and Development

Donor: Embassy of the Netherlands in Georgia


The Georgian Center for Strategy and Development (GCSD) is implementing a Supporting Sustainable Community-Oriented Policing in Georgia project with the financial support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Georgia. The project aims to support community-oriented policing by building trust and lasting cooperation between police and society. The project objectives are threefold and include community outreach measures, capacity-building of officers and institutional needs analysis.  

The first objective of the project is to support the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to implement the efficient and tailor-made outreach of community policing. Within this objective, GCSD plans to develop a methodology for working with young people, create an educational board game, organize meetings between community-police officers and young people, manage a socializing campaign and other communication activities. As a result of these activities, the residents of Tbilisi will increase their awareness of community-oriented police and its services.

The second objective is to support the MIA to further develop the competencies of the community police officers. To this objective, GCSD will deliver training sessions on human rights, communication, digital literacy and conflict management. Through the capacity-development activities, around 150 community-police officers will enhance their knowledge and skills that are essential for their everyday responsibilities. 

The third project objective is to reinforce the reform process by identifying potential gaps in the institutional design as well as the legal framework of the community police system under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Through the third objective,  GCSD will produce an analytical report for the MIA authorities.